Tree: DBS2
Gullet: 02 QH (6.5'')
Seat Size: 16''
Saddle Leather: Havanna Antique
Seat Leather: Aspen Tobacco
Front Rigging: D-Ring in Skirt on 7/8 Position
Back Rigging: Engraved D-Ring on Skirt
Hardware: Stainless Steel, 6x Hansen Anna Conchos
Extras: Rawhide Horn, Medium Pre-Twisted Fender, Dark Visalia Wooden Stirrups, Real Sheepskin Liner
Tooling: Flower Corner Tooling
Weight: Approx 28.5lbs
Saddle Length: Approx 21''
Skirt Length/Depth: 25''/13''
Fender Length: Approx 30.3’’ - 36.6’’(77cm - 93cm Medium), Pre-Twisted
Warranty: Used properly, with sensible care and proper storage, we grant the owners of our Western Performance saddles a total period of 5 years warranty on the saddle, and 10 years on the saddle tree
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